PSST was founded in 1990 with a vision for improving efficiencies for K-12 and business administrators with integration and compliance solutions. Over the decades, PSST has established a reputation for its client-centered service and integration and compliance solutions that save time, money and resources for K-12 districts and businesses in the areas of Human Resources, Finance, Payroll, and Benefit administration.
Problem Solving
PSST empowers K-12 school systems and businesses throughout the United States with the seamless digital connection of their information systems and management software. Our integration and compliance solutions are designed to save time, money and reduce errors so Human Resources, Finance, Payroll, and Benefit administrators can focus on what matters most. Our solutions allow clients to use their data when they need it and how they need it in a seamless process.
PSST’s alliances allow us to do two things: 1) support and stay plugged into the K-12 and business communities, and 2) maintain and protect our integrity and reputation as a reliable, dependable company.
Client Success
Whether assisting with complicated Affordable Care Act compliance, troubleshooting payroll errors or implementing a PSST solution, the PSST Client Success Team provides world-class customer support. Our commitment to your success means every PSST client has a dedicated account manager, telephone calls are answered by a real person, and client issues are addressed within 24 hours.
Our Client Success Advocates include former K-12 administrators who use their “in the field” experience to provide insights and resolve issues for our clients—often above and beyond the scope of engagement.